Your Mom Goes To College

Your Mom Goes To College

Prepare yourself. This next statement is going to be profound. There are two types of people in this world. Those who love the movie Napoleon Dynamite and those that loath it. (There are actually two other types. Top TP rollers and bottom TP rollers. But that’s fodder for another post. For now, just pretend there are only two types.)


I love it!  I think it’s hilarious. I love watching it over and over.  I love quoting from it while trying to imitate the exact voices and inflections.  I love posting memes of it.  My wife, Michele, on the other hand, absolutely loathes it.  She doesn’t think it’s funny at all.  If I catch it on the TV while flipping through all 922 channels, and I stop to watch, she will give me the dirtiest look. To her credit, though, she did agree to dress up as Napoleon and Deb for a Halloween party. I guess I am just kind of into the quirky humor.  That’s probably why I also enjoy shows like Portlandia.  I can watch a marathon while I am eating a dang quesadiLLa.


I actually have this shirt and I’m going to wear it on November 8th when I write in Pedro Sanchez for president.

Anyone that hangs around me for an extended length of time will eventually hear me utter a Napoleon Dynamite quote.  Every single time it invokes a reaction from people on the extreme ends of the likability spectrum. Never has anyone said, “Hmm, I can take it or leave it.” It’s always, “Ohh I love that movie!” or “I can’t stand that movie!”  So tell me, on which side do you fall?  What?  You are one of the few people that haven’t seen it?  Goshhhhhh! OK, well I am assigning you homework then.  Go get it on the iTunes or something and then report back in.  If you do, all your wildest dreams will come true.


Did anyone else think Deb was kinda hot? No?  Just me?



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12 thoughts on “Your Mom Goes To College

  1. Uh oh Carolina. Guess we can no longer be friends. JK!

    I’m surprised you don’t like it if you are a fan of the Jerk and Pee Wee Herman, as I also am. But that goes to prove my point. I can never tell who will like it and who won’t.

  2. Oh yeah, loved it.
    And loved that the Idaho state government passed a special resolution declaring “Napoleon Dynamite” a great film and representative of the state.
    And the resolution included a statement that even though it was non-binding anyone who voted against it would have the worst day ever.
    And don’t get me started on “Portlandia”.
    I can’t binge watch anything anymore without thinking, “One more episode…”
    Christopher recently posted…First World Problems Require First World Solutions.My Profile

    1. I didn’t know that about the special resolution. That is awesome! They are all luckyyyyyyyyy! And I’ve definitely been in that “one more episode…” zone before.

    1. Goshhhhh! (You’d get that if you’d seen it). I can almost give you a pass since you were down under when it came out but you HAVE to watch it now and tell me what you think.

  3. I don’t love it. I don’t loathe it. If I were a voter, I’d vote for Pedro. I will never quote ND, but I don’t go out of my way to watch/avoid it. I love most Steve Martin movies (yes, even The Jerk), but I don’t care for Pee Wee Herman. I do like Paul Rubens as an actor, but I first discovered his actual talent in the movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer (“he ruined my new jacket… kill him a lot” {his ARM is gone, not just his sleeve – HI-larious!})

    As for toilet paper rolling, indoor cats converted me to under, after a lifetime of being an over. 😉
    emelle recently posted…A recipe I posted five years ago on the facebooks… updated?My Profile

    1. You are the first person in the history of persons that said they could take it or leave it (dataset may be skewed on that one).

      I’m going to reserve my reply to your TP comment for a future post, although I will say I’ve never considered the cat angle before.

      1. Most people who fight the TP fight haven’t considered the cat angle, js.

        And I think you may not have collected a large enough sample for your ND theorem. I cannot be the only one. In fact, it sounds like halfa might actually be in my camp. She doesn’t love it, but she doesn’t hate it. I don’t go out of my way to watch Woody Allen or Clint Eastwood films, but if they happen to be airing where I am, it’s not like I avert my eyes or anything. Just more, meh, I can watch this. And all the way through, too, so …
        emelle recently posted…October’s almost oberMy Profile

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