Stay on the trail, stay on the trail, stay on the trail…

Stay on the trail, stay on the trail, stay on the trail…

It’s been over a month since I posted something!  I have been so busy lately that I haven’t even had random stupid shit popping into my head to write about.  I still don’t have anything to write about.  So lucky you, guess what you get?  That’s right.  Another hiking post, and this one isn’t even a real post.  I’m just going to show you a video of me taking my youngest dog, Finn, out for his first hike.  Riveting no?  Sorry, it’s all I got right now.

Last Presidents Day weekend we went up to stay at our favorite cabins in the Blue Ridge Mountains and I thought it was high time that I got this boy out on the trail so he could start to learn like his big brother, Sawyer, The Trail Wonder Dog.  Finn is far from a trail anything dog right now as you will see in the video.  You’ll also see me constantly bitching at him which looks kind of mean but is really for his safety and mine.  Despite the tone of my voice, I am having an absolutely wonderful time.  OK, except for a couple of times when I did get a little frustrated.  I’m sure you’ll recognize them.

This is the first time I got to try out my new fancy dancey GoPro that my wife surprised me with after the mysterious disappearance of my old one.  I edited several hours of footage down to 20 something minutes which is still long for a video on a blog post.  I’ll understand if you don’t watch the whole thing, or any of it for that matter.  But if you wanna, here it is…

I know the funny has been lacking lately on this supposed humor blog.  Let’s see… Why did the hiker cross the trail?  Because his dog pulled him across it!  Yeah, I know.  Best I can do right now.

Share this shit y'all!

12 thoughts on “Stay on the trail, stay on the trail, stay on the trail…

  1. Ari, dogs, are ALWAYS an acceptable substitution for humour! But you don’t ever have to be anything but real, I am still gonna stop by and visit!! Hope life is treating you well, and all in your world are happy and healthy!! 🙂 ‘Dang, dog!’ hahaha

    1. They are in fact an acceptable substitution because they often provide the humor! I always smile when I see I have a comment from you. I’m so busy with “real” life that I’ve been neglecting the blog, but I’m doing good. I hope things are going well for you.

    1. I guess I wasn’t dedicated enough to commit to that level of humor, but if it makes you feel better I did turn over a canoe in an alligator infested swamp last weekend.

  2. I was trying to watch the video, I really was. GoPro is not my fave camera for a few reasons: I get a little sort-of vertigo with the fish-eye-ness of it, and I REALLY don’t love the “shaky-cam” aspect of it recording while you’re walking, or whatever. The images are fantastically CLEAR, but it’s hard for you to get Finn in frame, most of the time, if it’s worn above your natural eyeline (which I’m assuming, you’ve got it strapped to a helmet or somesuch, yes?)

    Finn is a beauty, and I’m glad you’re able to get out with him in nature. He’ll learn. Keep it up!
    emelle recently posted…Work Work Work (YAY!!!!!!!!!)My Profile

    1. Yeah it does have a Blair Witchesque quality to it. It’s supposed to have image stability but either I’m doing it wrong or it doesn’t work all that well. It makes me a little nauseas sometimes too. I actually have a backpack rig that mounts the camera to one of my straps. It’s convenient to keep it out of the way but it makes aiming it at anything other than what’s right in front of me a little difficult. You should see some of the contortions I do with my body when I am trying to aim it at different things. I also have a pet halter rig where I could mount the camera to my dogs. I haven’t tried that yet because with all their running around it would probably be unwatchable. Who knows, I might try it one day if I have an ample supply of Dramamine on hand.

  3. I’m glad Finn enjoyed his first hike, in spite of the sleet, and at least that didn’t seem to last long, and it looks like he eventually learned to use a bridge.
    Those falls were spectacular too. I’d have been tempted to get in that little pool with him–if it were much, much warmer.
    Christopher recently posted…What Time Is It, Anyway?My Profile

    1. He might not have liked the sleet and rain (and snow for a short time) but I was kind of glad. I got a rain suit just for hiking, two Christmases ago and although I’ve taken it out numerous times on hikes, the weather never necessitated the need for it until this time. I was able to get a good test run with it and it performed remarkably well.
      Yeah, that would have had to have been hot springs for me to get in with him.

      1. Ha!

        I really like that you’ve actually used your GoPro footage. I know a lot of people who take so much video and it just sits somewhere, collecting virtual dust.
        Jay recently posted…A Wrinkle in TimeMy Profile

        1. I am somewhat guilty of that myself. For every video that I edit and post there are ten others that are just raw footage sitting on a hard drive. I really enjoy editing them, but it’s very time consuming and before I know it hours have slipped away.

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