High On Life

High On Life

Ever heard someone utter that line? I always thought that was just a metaphor. You can’t actually be high on life can you? Something happened last weekend that’s making me rethink that. I belong to a backpacking group on Facebook and we were all discussing our consternation about not being able to get out on the trails due to COVID-19. A plan came together for the weekend to go camping in our backyards or living rooms if you don’t have a backyard. I do have backyard so that’s what I did! Starting at 5 PM on Friday I pretended to go backpacking on what I call the Backyard Trail. I took all my gear that I would normally take on an overnight trip in the mountains. I did not go back in the house until 3 PM on Sunday, well except to visit the “privy” for some #2 action. I don’t think my neighbors would have appreciated me digging cat holes in my backyard. My wife and I had a blast! When it was all over I felt extremely good. My wife said I was acting like I was drunk and was actually wondering if I had hid some beer in my pack. I actually felt high. So I guess you can get high on life.

You probably expected me to video the adventure. I won’t disappoint. It’s below. It’s also kind of long (Aprox 30 mins) like some of my “War and Peace” posts. I edited it as much as I could but since you are already quarantined you can probably spare half an hour of your exciting life to watch it, right? Enjoy!

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9 thoughts on “High On Life

  1. I do hate those cliche terms, “high on life” and “living life to the fullest” but it does seem like you had the best adventure available.

  2. You made that very entertaining. Not enough to make me want to go backpacking, but enough to want to try the food (at least the Pop Tarts).
    You never explained the dog’s trail name (not Rush – that’s pretty obvious).
    If this self-isolation continues much longer, you’re going to have to add some more ‘adventures’ to your backyard!
    I had fun and enjoyed your fresh air. Thanks for the novelty!

    1. Are you telling me you have never had a Pot Tart?

      Finn’s trail name comes from a reference in Star Wars IV – The Force Awakens. There is a character that is a storm trooper that has left the evil empire. When an alliance member asks his name he says he doesn’t have one, just a number, FN2187. The alliance member just says he’ll call him Finn.

      1. I haven’t had one since I was about 15 (when they first came out – yeah, I’m old), and they never came in foiled wrappers.
        Good name for the dog name reference except you have to remember it – and also be a Star Wars fan. I think I’ve only ever seen the first 3, so it went over my head for a number of reasons.

  3. You rock! Although to be honest camping out and eating MRE’s is my idea of hell… be it in the wild or my backyard. Loved the Benny Hill music edit.
    But you really shouldn’t have told us about Hooker Tush… that’s got legs.

    1. Thanks! Those Mountain House meals are actually not that bad. Way better than the real MRE’s I ate in the Navy.

      Trail names usually do have legs. That’s mostly how they get bestowed.

  4. Great idea, great video, great way to keep life interesting while stuck at home!
    Love the explanation of your trail name.
    Also love the artwork created from one of the rounds of your poor dead tree, perched behind your BBQ. Does s/he have a name?
    Glad you didn’t fall into the bear scat 😉

    1. Thank you! The artwork is actually a Dallas Cowboys face that my wife hung for me on the tree when it was still standing. It’s only the top part and nose now because the lips fell off during a storm and shattered on a rock. She made that for me after the tree was cut down and I put it up in that window. Unfortunately, the other day when I was closing the window from the inside I accidentally pushed it off and the face fell with the heavy wood plank on top of it and shattered into a million pieces. So it’s no longer around. 🙁

      The bear scat was properly identified and the location was well known before I took that “little fall”! 🙂

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