Oops! I did it again.

Oops! I did it again.

Well, I’ve published another book. This one is a memoir about a specific time in my life. If you’ve read this blog for any amount of time you’ll know that I have a bit of social anxiety. Back during the time that this memoir covers it really wasn’t called social anxiety. It was called “That’s a weird dude” or “He must think his shit don’t stick because he never talks.” Nope, I was just, and still am, shy in the real world. In the 90’s, before the internet, I discovered chatting online through Bulletin Board Systems. This book is about that discovery and how it changed my life.

If you read it, you’ll also notice how I was obsessed with one thing. It will be readily apparent after the first few paragraphs. If there is a bad guy in this story I am thinking it might be me. However, what happened, happened, and I don’t write with rose colored glasses.

The book contains some VERY explicit scenes. If you are uncomfortable with this or if you don’t won’t your illusion of how much an angel I am shattered, you might want to take a pass.

Otherwise, take it for a spin if you want. If you do, please leave a review on Amazon.

Click the image above or here to get the book.

Share this shit y'all!

12 thoughts on “Oops! I did it again.

  1. Congratulations on the new book! It’s nice to hear from you again. How’s the road trip going? Going to start blogging and taking us with you on your sight-seeing tours & hikes?

  2. Hey Barbara! How are you doing? We were sidelined a bit by a medical situation but we are out on the road again. I just did a four day hike on the Appalachian Trail that I’ll be blogging about soon. Yes, there is video!

  3. Congrats!

    I’m impressed with your book-writing output! I manage some blog posts, but my book…? Not happening, except in my head and some research. Maybe (I hope) after I get moved and life calms down a bit I’ll get it written.

    1. Thanks! This book has mostly existed on one hard drive or another for a long time. After figuring out all the ins and outs of publishing my first book, I decided to do this one too. I wrote the final two chapters, edited it, did rewrites in about two months. Now, my second dog book, Finn’s Descent, is moving along slowly. Still in research phase.

  4. Thanks! It is treating us extremely well! Currently in Eastern Tennessee enjoying my beloved mountains. Hope you are having fun with your kitty cat.

  5. … so good timing that I just finished the other one then?

    (Which was very enjoyable! The whole Ranger Dick confrontation hit me like ‘WOAH THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY’ and then I did not put it down until the end.)
    Lucy Grove-Jones recently posted…What Happens NextMy Profile

    1. That’s funny, my wife said the exact same thing when she read the first draft. Thanks for reading it and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading yours.

  6. Congratulations (if a bit belated) on the new book, and with any luck by the time I get this one I’ll have finished the first one. It’s impressive that you can write faster than some people can read. You and James Patterson who, last I checked, wrote 720 books last year, but that’s another story.
    And it’s so cool to know someone else who remembers BBSes. They were a real lifeline for some of us back in the day.
    Christopher recently posted…As You Sow So Shall You Reap.My Profile

  7. Wow, Lee! Congratulations are definitely in order for so many things! I started reading another post you wrote about how you were sick with Covid and then I found out about Barbara’s husband and then I got terribly sad and I didn’t even leave a comment to you because I was so upset. I know, how rude of me! I do apologize. Also, I’m glad you made it through to the other side of Covid, my friend, which is the first thing to congratulate you on. Secondly, you clearly made it through February in Texas when everything froze up and shut down, which is about the last thing I think you and I discussed, maybe on my blog! And, now, a new book! Plus being out on the road! You definitely know how to get things done and move things along! Mona

    1. Totally thought I replied to this one weeks ago. Sorry Mona. Thanks you for the kind words. I need to get back over to your blog to see what’s going on with you.

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