Good News/Bad News/Good News/ETC…

Good News/Bad News/Good News/ETC…

Thought I would give everyone an update on my health situation. This will be short and quick. No videos, no pictures, not even a mention of hiking! Well, except that previous sentence.

At the end of the month it will be a year since we came to Texas to pursue a liver transplant. A few days ago I got the good news that the cancer exception points were added to my MELD score and I am up in the top priority on the transplant list. We could be getting a call any day now. We could also be waiting some more to get that call. I choose to think it is going to happen sooner rather than later.

The bad news is that my latest MRI turned up two new malignant tumors in my liver. The good news is that if a replacement liver becomes available soon I won’t have to worry about that because those tumors will be exiting my body along with my old traitorous liver when they throw it in the dumpster behind the hospital.

The bad news is that if that doesn’t happen before October 24th, I will have to have a two day hospital stay for treatment of those tumors so they don’t spread outside my liver and disqualify me for transplant. The good news is the procedure is really no big deal. The first day will be used to map out the area of my liver that they need to treat. My liver has been mapped out so many times, I think it might actually be on Google Earth. The second day they will go in with this probe and basically blast the tumors with a microwave. It will be just like when I microwave popcorn too long and it burns all the kernels. I hope it doesn’t smell that bad.

So that’s where the health saga stands at this point. I’m positive that this is going to get done soon, post care will be completed, and we get this show back on the road!

Share this shit y'all!

6 thoughts on “Good News/Bad News/Good News/ETC…

  1. That’s definitely good and bad news. I choose to believe a new liver will be in your near future as well…. but if you need to update your mapping, so be it. Your sense of humor is still intact so that’s a good sign. I’ll cross everything I have you’re back up and running full steam soon.

  2. As mentioned, whenever you can keep us in the loop we’d appreciate the updates. We’re all anxiously awaiting the ‘ta-da’ moments when you tell us the new liver has been received. And of course, you know all of us will cross whatever extremities that are necessary!

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