642 Things To Write About – 2/642

642 Things To Write About – 2/642

For the backstory on this series of posts see here.

642 Things To Write About

Remember something momentous that happened to you. Then write about what happened right before the incident.

My culinary skills back then were definitely not up to Chef Ramsay’s standards.  They still aren’t, but significantly better.  I could probably give the local chef at the Golden Corral a run for his money.  Anyway, that night my wife had to work late so I decided to fix dinner.  It was going to be one of my go to meals from my single days, Pizza Quicks.  Basically they were little pizzas on bread instead of pizza dough.  To do them right you really needed to use Texas Toast, but in California that was hard to come by, so I used hamburger buns instead.

My 7 year old step daughter loved Pizza Quicks and I enlisted her help in preparation.  I gave her the job of laying out the hamburger buns on a baking pan covered in tin foil.  While she was working on that I grated some mozzarella cheese.  Then I got the other toppings together; sliced pepperoni, mushrooms, and black olives.  I spooned out the sauce from the Pizza Quick jar onto each bun and spread it evenly, making sure not to make it too light or too thick.  I sprinkled the cheese on top of the sauce and then let my step daughter place the toppings.  Pepperoni first, followed by mushrooms, then black olives, and finally a little more cheese on the top.  We set the oven to bake and slid the pan inside.  We both crouched down and watched through the little window as the buns began to brown and the cheese started to melt.  For the last minute we switched the oven to broil to make sure the toppings and extra cheese would get thoroughly cooked.  Then we took them out and dished out a few onto three separate plates, which we placed on the table that my step daughtered had dutifully set.

Not the most gourmet meal you’d ever see, but we had a good time preparing it, and I was looking forward to sitting around the table as a family while we ate and discussed our day.  I looked at my watch and noticed that my wife was running a little later than she had planned.  I let my step daughter go play in her room and told her I would call her when we were ready.  A little while later I heard the front door open as my wife came in.  She looked at the table set for our evening meal.

“Thanks for making dinner,” she said.  “I’m having an affair….”

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12 thoughts on “642 Things To Write About – 2/642

    1. It was a long time ago but for some reason that simple meal preparation seems to stand out clear as bell in my memory before it all went down.

    1. Thankfully no. My love for pizza is so great that even that couldn’t break the bonds we share. As a matter of fact I am getting ready to have some for lunch. 🙂

  1. HO! That was NOT where I was expecting that to go! Holy Crap!
    I’m trying to remember… my memory kinda sucks, which is why blogging is actually GOOD for me… um, yeah, okay, the only thing that comes to mind that’s even close to this “rule” is when I had a convo with my bestie about Aliens (the movie, sequel to Alien) being a HORROR film, in addition to sci-fi. In college, my bf had gone to see it w/o me b/c he knew I had no interest. It was the only fight either of us remembers having in college. I don’t think I was mad he’d seen it w/o me; I was unhappy he hadn’t mentioned before doing it…
    FF to twenty (or so years later), I’m having that convo w/ bestie. Two weeks after that, he finds me in LaLaLand, we get back together, go to my high school reunion, get married, and go to our college reunion! In that two week “lull”, he’d been floating through my mind… because he was trying to find me!

    1. … for whatever reason, my most recent post didn’t link to my first comment, so I’m replying so y’all have a chance to look at it! (shameless plug, I know – you can delete this comment if ya want)

      emelle recently posted…I’ve been angry latelyMy Profile

    2. Cool! That’s what I was going for. I figured the writers of the book were looking for a totally mundane topic right before a WOW moment.

      That’s crazy about the Aliens connection. Isn’t it a mind freak when things like that happen? You can’t tell me there isn’t some type of sub-atomic connection going on between us all when you see examples of stories like that one.

    1. Ha! Very well said about Golden Corral, which sheds light even further on the level of my culinary skills. A disastrous Mother’s Day brunch there in 2007 was the last time I ever patronized the place.

  2. Wow! That took such a hard right I was stunned for a second. I was waiting to here that the sauce was actually a desert frosting or maybe a pico de galo. maybe the oven burned it.
    Is should have checked out the previous link you shared, but, now that I’m settled again, I think I like the unexpected twist.
    Well done 😉
    Gabe recently posted…“I Can’t” because Depression LiesMy Profile

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