Even Hannibal Lecter Wouldn’t Eat My Liver

Even Hannibal Lecter Wouldn’t Eat My Liver

Not even with the freshest fava beans and the best chianti.

I figured I’d drop a few lines and give you an update on the ongoing saga that is my health. It’s confirmed now. Meine Leber ist kaputt. That’s German for my liver is broken. I’m not sure why I said it in German. I guess I thought it sounded more ominous that way. Most things do sound ominous in German. For example, Ich liebe Welpen. Now doesn’t that sound ominous? Know what it means? I love puppies. See what I’m talking about?

Anyway, back to my broken down liver. I was thoroughly dissatisfied with my gastroenterologist team that I had been referred to. I couldn’t get a straight answer on anything. How bad it was or what I needed to be doing. It just seemed like they didn’t have the time of day for me or my questions. Three days before Christmas I woke up very disoriented, shaking uncontrollably, and not even sure what was going on. My wife rushed me to the ER and I was admitted. The doctor I had during my stay was very patient and answered all of my questions. They determined that the ammonia level in my system was too high because my liver was not eliminating it. This causes a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy. The toxic ammonia causes decline in brain function.

They were able to give me some medication that got the ammonia level lowered over the next three days. I barely got out of there on Christmas Eve. I was discussing with my wife how I wish my other doctors were as helpful as the hospital doctor had been. That’s when we decided, once again, that I had to make a break with my doctors and find someone new. My wife works for a medical imaging company and through some contacts there was able to get me an appointment with one of the top liver specialist in the country. I had to travel a bit to get there but it was well worth the trip.

My new doctor has no bedside manner whatsoever. This may seem like a bad thing, but it’s not. I needed someone to cut to the chase and give it to me straight without any sugar coating, and boy did he ever. He told me that the cirrhosis in my liver was advanced and that my liver was heading into failure. There is nothing that can be done to reverse it. The only solution is a liver transplant. These things were hard to hear but they were exactly what I needed to hear.

Here’s the rub, though. As sick as I am, I have to be even sicker to qualify for a transplant at this stage. Yup, they have this complicated formula that looks like an astrodynamic calculation for a mission to Uranus (you knew I would use that planet). Once all the values are plugged in, out spits a number called a MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) score. The MELD score determines your priority on the transplant list. Right now, mine is not high enough. That might sound like a good thing, and in some ways it is. But in other ways it’s not.

My doctor told me that I can only expect things to get worse from here. The fatigue, pain, muscle weakness, and brain fog will continue. In addition, I’ve been told I shouldn’t drive, or be alone in case I have another bad hepatic encephalopathy episode. So, I’m basically home bound now. I have my MELD score updated every three months and that’s coming up soon. We are also looking into the possibility of a living liver donor. A compatible donor can give up part of their liver and they would transplant it in me because a healthy liver can regenerate itself. So there are options and all is not lost. I’m trying to stay positive.

OK, that’s the update. Enough whining. This small cog is not turning as smoothly as it once did, but it’s still turning.

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9 thoughts on “Even Hannibal Lecter Wouldn’t Eat My Liver

  1. Oh shit! That’s awful! And to have had to wait as long as you did just to find that out what you have is even worse, and shame on those doctors who only see dollar signs and not the patient! For what it’s worth, I’ll be praying for you. I’ve heard good things about the living donor transplants so that, at least, is a positive hope.
    Good luck!

    1. Thank you. I’ve found it shocking the number of doctors I’ve run into during all this that just don’t seem to care. I always thought it was a profession you’d get into because you did care.

  2. Wow. I want to make a joke about Uranus or how the least popular member of King Arthur’s Round Table Sir Osis Of Liver, but I think I made that one in a previous comment, or even something about Larry Hagman and his liver. The comedian Kevin Meaney used to make jokes about Larry Hagman’s liver and then he’d joke about how his wife would yell at him for making those jokes. Or maybe she really did yell at him.
    Anyway with my own medical history I’m probably not a viable donor, but my blood type is A positive. Just putting that out there. Support helps you B positive.
    Christopher recently posted…Show Some Respect.My Profile

    1. Thanks for always giving me a laugh. Sorry it took so long for me to respond. Murphy’s Law visited me in the form of a detached retina and I wasn’t allowed to use a computer or phone during the last month of my recovery from eye surgery. Thanks for putting the offer out there but we are not compatible blood types. I do have a compatible offer and we are still working out the details. It’s still a long road ahead but I’m optimistic it will work out.

  3. That’s some heavy-duty shit! Here’s hoping/wishing/praying/”putting it out there” that your MELD scores will stay low enough to keep you qualified for a partial. And that they’ll schedule it sooner, rather than later. And that the healthy bit takes over and runs the unhealthy bit outta town!

    In other news, how are you handling being “dry”? I’ve got alcoholism in my bloodlines, so I often fight myself over my own drinking (I’ve not succumbed to the disease, but it’s always on my mind, whether I’m staying sober or having a glass or seven).

    Good Vibes, friend!
    emelle recently posted…Unexpected benefits of volunteeringMy Profile

    1. Thank you my friend. Sorry I am just responding. My spam filter has got a hate on for you lately. With that and my eye situation I’m just getting back online. In some ways the not drinking is easier than I thought it would be. I just don’t think about it that much. In other ways it’s hard. Especially when I’m doing an activity that I normally would have a beer in my hand. The urge hits pretty strong when I’m watching sports, playing cards, or grilling out in the backyard. When that happens I have to remind myself that even one slip could cause my liver to “go over the cliff”, as my doctor likes to say. They also test me for alcohol on every visit and if there is even one positive result they will refuse to treat you further. Those reasons are enough to make me a good boy. I am happy to say I haven’t had even one slip since I stopped last October.

      I hope all is going well with you. I’ll try to get caught up on your blog soon!

      1. I’ll be catching up on my own blog later today, so I’ll save my comment on your new post for after I have posted… I’m sorta-kinda giving up my wine habit as a side effect of Keto, which was unexpected but welcome. It sounds like you have all the good reasons in the world to stay sober, so congrats!
        emelle recently posted…A Spoiler-Free Movie Review, and other catching upMy Profile

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