Breaking A Little Bit Bad

Breaking A Little Bit Bad

Did you watch the series Breaking Bad? If not, stop reading. If you are reading this on your phone on the toilet, stop, er well, OK, finish up but then go straight to Netflix and binge all five seasons of it, then come back here. Myself and all the others who have already seen it will wait for you. Done? Cool. Wasn’t that THE BEST show you have ever seen? I rank it as my #1 TV drama series of all time. But I’m not really writing this to promote Breaking Bad. It needs no promoting from this small cog. This post is inspired by a reoccurring action in the series. I’m sure you’ll recognize it but let’s view the video below to get a little refresher.

That’s just a small taste of all the phones they break in this series! Phones have become one of our most prize possessions in this day and age. We go above and beyond to keep them safely in our possession. Hell, I’ve read stories where parents left their kids in the back seat because they forgot they were there, but you can bet that cell phone came with them when they got out the car. Sure, these are only burner flip phones these high school drop outs, chemistry teachers, fried chicken proprietors, Neo-Nazis, cum meth lords are breaking, but they are tossing them away like the crappy prizes you get in a Cracker Jack box. So, of course, I want to break a little bad and break one myself.

A few years ago I bought a pre-paid flip phone with Verizon service instead of the Sprint service I have on my smart phone. The reason I did this was because when I’m out hiking on the Appalachian Trail, Verizon has much better coverage up there and I’m more likely to have success making a call with it in an emergency situation. So I figured I would just add minutes to it when I was planning on going on a hike. This worked out great for a while but then my health problems prevented me from going hiking for a long time and the phone laid in a drawer for an extended period of time.

After nearly a year and half of not going to the mountains, my family (wife and dogs) spent the Labor Day weekend at our favorite cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Even though my health issues still prevented me from hiking I knew that it might be a good idea to have the Verizon flip phone at the cabin in case we needed to call anyone. So I attempted to add minutes to it only to be told that my phone is obsolete and I’d have to buy a new one if I wanted to have another pre-paid phone. Well fuck all that noise. The whole reason I bought the thing in the first place was so I could add minutes to it when I needed it and then put it away until the next use. I could do a whole rant post about that but I’ll spare you.

new mexico
Imagine that flag in the background is the New Mexico flag

On the positive side of this unfortunate situation, I now have a flip phone to go all Breaking Bad on! And I’m gonna. And I’m gonna film it for your viewing pleasure. So without further ado, Arionis goes a little bit breaking bad! Enjoy! Or pretend to for my sake.

Just in case you think I faked it.

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10 thoughts on “Breaking A Little Bit Bad

    1. Oh it was! Thanks, I’m pretty much in the same state health wise. In a waiting pattern, hoping to get a little sicker so I can get better. Crazy huh? At least I haven’t resorted to cooking meth yet to pay my medical bills. That would probably end badly for everyone involved.

    1. Thank you! I originally binged it because I didn’t start watching it until the 5th season. Then I binged it again with my son. Then I binged it again with my parents. Then my wife got me the blue ray DVD’s for Christmas and I had to binge it again with all the extras and commentaries. You would think I would be breaking binged out but I watched the “Say My Name” episode just to research for this post and ended up watching three episodes after that before I made myself stop.

    1. Oh it was! Thing is I did like 12 takes before hand to get all the dialogue right and I of course couldn’t break the phone until the final take. When I finally got there I had all my pent up energy going in to the destruction of that phone!

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