Hello Sunshine

Hello Sunshine

Don’t let that featured image scare you. I know it’s sparkly but there won’t be any angsty teenage vampires in this post.

Tom over at Tom Being Tom, nominated me for a Sunshine Award! Thanks Tom! Tom and I have recently become friends in the blogosphere. He’s a great guy and we have a similar writing styles that often see us breaking the fourth wall. We have a lot of common interests; dogs, superhero comics and movies, and the love of the NFL to name a few. One thing we don’t have in common is talking about politics. Tom loves to talk about politics. I don’t. That doesn’t mean I don’t have any political opinions, but I mostly keep them to myself. We both claim to be somewhere in the middle on the political scale, however, I believe Tom leans more to the left and I lean more to the right. But you know what? Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me. This relationship, at least on my part, goes to show you that just because you have different political views, it doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. So thanks again my friend for the nomination!

Part of this award is that you have to answer questions posed to you by the nominator. Here are Tom’s questions and my responses:

Q1: What is your favourite thing about you?

A1: My memory. I should be a bit more specific here. My long term memory. My short term memory is for shit. Tell me your name and I’ll forget it five seconds later. I think the trade off for that deficiency is I have exceptional long term memory recall. Why would such a trivial thing as that be my favourite/favorite thing about me? Because it allows me to tell tales from my past, which if you’ve seen my blog, makes up a big portion of it.

Q2: Is love an emotion, a fiction, or a powerful universal force?

A2: Throughout my life I’ve thought all three. Right now I’m going with powerful universal force. You know, like the force? I wonder if there is any measurable substance to quantify it? Like the midi-chlorians for the force. Or did we all agree just to forget that midi-chlorian thing ever happened?

Q3: Batman vs Superman. Who wins?

A3: There will never be a fight since this discovery:

Q4: I need a new electronic reader. Which one should I get?

A4: I’ve always been a Kindle man. However, last year I had a detached retina and part of the recovery from the surgery is that I was not allowed to read for five weeks. So I discovered audio books and better yet, I found out that Alexa could read them to me. Now I am totally hooked on them even though I can see again.

Q5: Some old friends of mine, from my Christian days, posted an anti-gay article written by an evangelical minister in reference to Pete Buttigieg and his presidential bid. In this same article the minister defended Donald Trump who is “sinful” but gets a pass because he doesn’t “flaunt” his sins currently, “like Pete does.” Is the minister himself just an idiot, or are all three of them idiots, the other two for reposting the article?

A5: WTF does flaunting have to do with anything? Isn’t a sin a sin according to the bible? I don’t remember seeing anything in there about flaunting making it any less of a sin. I should know, being the son of a former part time preacher (this could be the subject of many posts.) In any case, being gay is not a sin, it’s not a choice either. All three are idiots unless your friends were posting it to make fun of it.

Q5: Was this post too long?

A6: Ha! You’ve read some of my “War & Peace” length posts and you’re asking me if yours is too long? No.

Q7: Did you watch the Blind Melon video for “Change”? Cuz it’s stupid.

A7: Love the song. The video would have been better if they had used a real dog.

Q8: Are you a doer or a procrastinator?

A8: Oh, I’m a procrastinator of the highest order! That’s why this post is still in my draft folder and not published yet (except when you read this it will be.) I thought about starting a blog for three years before I actually did it. The list goes on and on. I even got one of these to help me but it really doesn’t.

Q9: As a blogger, do you prefer anonymity or exposure?

A9: I’m not an attention seeker so I would lean more toward anonymity, but I do want people to read what I write so that would require exposure. How did you like that non-answer?

Q10: Why?

A10: I already told you why. Or is this just a general question? Why? Hmmm. Because I can. Because it’s there.

Q11: Am I your sunshine?

A11: Does this answer your question?

The second part of the rules is to pose 11 questions of your own. I’m going to start these off with the usual mundane ones and it will probably only get sillier from there:

  1. Why did you start a blog?
  2. What is your absolute favorite post you have written. Not necessarily your most commented on one or most popular, but the one that you like the most. Only one. Don’t tell me you can’t decide!
  3. Are you a top or bottom TP roller? (Hint: There is only one right answer.)
  4. Dogs, cats, both, or neither?
  5. Board games or video games? (I think I stole this from somewhere but it is such a good question.)
  6. If you had to lose one of your five physical senses which one would you chose?
  7. Do you believe that mental health is as important as physical health?
  8. If life is like a box of chocolates, which flavor would make you say FML?
  9. Which blogs do you read the most? Don’t feel pressured to include mine. No pressure at all. Really, my feeling won’t be hurt; much.
  10. Do you have a list? If so, tell me what it is.
  11. Tell me what you like/dislike about my blog. Honestly, I’ll take any constructive criticism. Hell, I’ll take destructive criticism too.

The last rule of this award is to nominate other bloggers. I’m going to be a bit of a rebel rouser here and not do that. I’m not trying to make a statement or anything. You see, not too long ago I nominated bloggers for a Liebster Award. Since I have a pretty close core of bloggers I follow, I don’t want to hit them up again. So here’s what I’ll do. I’m opening the floor to anyone who wants to answer these questions. You can do it in the comments section or as a post on your own blog and post the link. If you do answer the questions I can guarantee that you will be my sunshine!

Share this shit y'all!

14 thoughts on “Hello Sunshine

  1. The nominating part always trips me up too. [Insert topical joke about Iowa here, then delete in two months when it’s no longer relevant.] I know I always say I don’t want to pressure anyone, and there are certain blogs I really enjoy that are devoted to a specific topic and I don’t want them to go “off topic” just for an award, however well-deserved. I’m also afraid of leaving someone out. Maybe there’s a way to extract and upload all the WordPress blogs I follow but that would leave out the non-WP ones.
    And what blog doesn’t break the fourth wall? Maybe I don’t understand what that term means. Sometimes when I’m writing something I feel like I’m in that scene in Evil Dead 2 where Ash’s reflection reaches out of the mirror and grabs him and says, “We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound…FINE?”
    Perhaps I’ve said too much.
    Christopher recently posted…Don’t Be Mine.My Profile

    1. Ha! I think that’s just breaking a wall. Maybe I should have been more specific. When I was talking about breaking the fourth wall, I was referring to story telling more than just regular blog posts. I’ve been told not to do it by some critics but it’s my style.

  2. So much to unpack here!

    Politically I lean way left and into the lower quadrant. Ever try the Political Compass? It’s an online test strategically formulated to place you in a three-dimensional diagram economically and socially (in an attempt to dispel the ol’ 2-D right/left thing). You might be surprised where you (and others) place!

    I place down there with Bernie, Gandhi, Noam, and Tom Paine. 😉

    As I anticipated your answers were incredible, informative, lucid, and hilarious. This is why you are one of the best, Ari.

    My idiot friends reposted the article because they believe what the minister said was right. 🙄

    Now, before my response becomes a post, I’ll break there and return later to answer your questions. One turn deserves another! Well done, my friend, well done. ✊

    1. Thanks Tom! You are going to give me a big head.

      I tried out the Political Compass and I wasn’t surprised to be grouped down in the libertarian section but I was a bit surprised to see it had me slightly to the left. Who knew?

      I’m looking forward to seeing your answers!

      1. Libertarian left is where I reside, too. A surprising number of people do. 😉

        A surprising number of “lefty” politicians end up in the Authoritarian right, by the way. In fact, most do, which is why I don’t see eye to eye politically with most Republican OR Democratic politicians. 😁

  3. 1. wanted to see if I still liked writing since being a stay-at-home-mum I’d been out of the game.
    2. Fav post “Woman Shaves in Winter. Husband Fears the Worst.” on Mock Mom
    3. Top (duh)
    4. Dog (also duh)
    5. Board
    6. Hearing. It’s on the decline anyway.
    7. coconut
    8. Yours, Christoper’s, Bloggess, Mock Mom, BluntMoms, Sammiches & Psych Meds,
    9. List of to-do’s, yes.
    10. I don’t get to it often enough and when I get here and there is a War & Peace article, I’m sad because it means I will only get to read that one.
    I think you are sunshine too. Stay healthy!
    Kristine Laco recently posted…My Mocha Whip Introduction to Writing HumourMy Profile

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