Three Days and a Wake Up!

Three Days and a Wake Up!

Yes, I am still alive. I probably shouldn’t be with all the strain I’ve been putting on my broken ass liver lately. No, not by drinking (God, I wish!), but by all the work we’ve been doing to get ready to transition to our new life on the road. I had no idea it was going to be this labor intensive. With doing our regular jobs and getting ready we’ve been putting in like 14 hour days and falling exhausted into bed at night, only to get up early and do it again. Michelle just asked me the other day when we actually get to relax and enjoy our new found freedom. That’s a good question. I am hoping the answer is THIS SATURDAY! Because that’s when we no longer have a stick and brick house and we’ll be mobile. I’m not naive enough to think there still won’t be a lot of hard work ahead but there will also be maxi relaxy time to go along with it. I can’t wait!

On Saturday we are heading out on about a four hour drive to a lake in North Carolina to camp for a few days. We figured we would take it easy to start off in case of unforeseen complications, and let’s face it, when Ari is involved, complications, are usually not far behind. Hell, that’s what’s made up most of the content of this blog! After that we are trucking it down to Georgia to Springer Mountain campground. This one has special significance for me. That is the southern terminus of my beloved Appalachian Trail. We are going to camp there for four days and I (health willing) plan on spending a night out on the trail with my favorite hiking partner, Sawyer, the trail wonder dog. He’s getting up there in age and I want to take him on at least one more grand adventure before his brother Finn gets to move to the head of the overnight backpacking trip line. After that we are headed to my home state of Texas to hang out with some relatives and go camping for two weeks at a lake where I grew up. My father is also getting up there in age and I want to spend some quality time with him while I can. Hell, he’ll probably outlive me anyway! After that? Who knows? We’ll go where the wind blows.

I also need to apologize for my complete absence on all my blogging buddies sites. I have been so overwhelmed getting ready to go I know you must think I have abandoned you. I promise that once I’m sitting out under my awning on the lake shore drinking a pina colada (virgin of course), I’ll be checking in with you all, if you’ll have me back. You know you can’t quit me!

In the meantime, please take a gander at my latest RVidiots video for the BIG REVEAL that I gave you readers a while ago. See? I love you bestest! If you like the video give her a thumbs up. If you subscribe to my blog you might as well also subscribe to my channel!

Share this shit y'all!

16 thoughts on “Three Days and a Wake Up!

  1. Oh wow! You’re really ready to go now! How exciting. Do try to keep in touch from time to time (once you’ve got the hang of all this). Do you have a CB radio (do people still use them)? Keep safe and wear your masks cause there’s a whole lot of crazies out there!

    1. I will keep in touch Barbara. I don’t want you coming after me with your wicked knives! We actually have hand held radios that we can communicate with each other on occasions that we are not towing the jeep. I guess I could talk to the truckers out there too. “Breaker one-nine this is the RVidiot, come back!”

      1. That was my concern. It’s would be good to have the capability of talking to truckers just in case you get mobility issues. Also to let you know where the accidents, traffic and police are. It was very helpful many years ago when we did weekend travel, but again, I don’t know if CB radios are even still in use.

  2. No apologies necessary. I can’t even the work it entails to pull up stakes. Does this mean you’re leaving the brick and mortar home forever or will you use it as a base?
    Wishing you safe travels on your first adventure and looking forward to your Charles Kuralt/ Steve Hartman stories from the road!

    1. Thanks! I thought for sure you would give me a little shit. You losing your touch? 🙂 The bricks and sticks now belong to someone else. No home base. We are full nomads here!

      1. Wow, I’m not sure if that’s brave… or down right nuts. I guess time will tell.
        Is that enough shit or should I continue?

    1. …and the blog fodder too! We might have to amend our #EpicTrailFail series to include RV fails now. I’m looking forward to catching up on your blog to see what you and the doggos have been up to. I’m also looking forward to getting back to writing my novel. I haven’t written word one in three months.

  3. Hey Lee,
    You and Michelle ready? It looks like you are along with Finn and Sawyer! I know another blogger who recently got an RV, sold her brick and mortar and are now living on the road. Is this becoming the thing to do or what? May the wind be at the back of your RV and happy trails! Mona

    1. We are more than ready! We are out here! You are right. The popularity of this lifestyle is on the rise. Just do a search on YouTube and you’ll see. Thanks for the well wishes and stay tuned for the stories!

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