I Think The Bugger Got Me!

I Think The Bugger Got Me!

What bugger am I talk about? You might have heard a few things about it. Here’s a picture of it.

Seen something like that before? Yeah, you have. It’s that damn COVID-19 bug! Mother fucker got me bad! Wait, you say? You said you think it got you. You don’t know? It’s not confirmed, but I am 99.9% sure it was COVID. I’ll tell you why I think so and why I didn’t get it confirmed.

First of all I did not go to the doctor to get it confirmed for a couple of reasons. As you will see by the symptoms I am going to list, I was in no shape to drive myself. That left Michelle, but that was a big NOPE because she was recovering from knee surgery at my parents house which was next door to where we had the RV parked. The only other options were my elderly parents and I was not about to risk their health. So I decided unless I had trouble breathing, I was going to tough it out alone. I self-quarantined in my RV and did not come out for a week. Let me tell you the symptoms and why I am convinced it was COVID.

  1. First off I was feeling like crap. I know that was nothing in and of itself, but that’s how it started. Just out of the blue I started feeling sick above and beyond what I already deal with due to my liver disease.
  2. I was running a 102 degree temp consistently for three days straight. I already run low when it comes to body temp. My normal is 96.8 to 97 degrees.
  3. Terrible headache that would not go away.
  4. Upset stomach. I couldn’t eat anything. I actually lost 10 pounds during the whole thing. Not that I couldn’t stand to lose some pounds but that would not be my choice of diet.
  5. Every muscle in my body cried out in pain if I moved an inch. I did not even get out of bed for three days and tried to move as little as possible.
  6. My chest was sore which had me a bit concerned as this is a respiratory disease. Luckily it didn’t progress to the point I couldn’t breathe.
  7. This one put the nail in the coffin (figuratively thank goodness). I lost all sense of taste. Food was like mush in my mouth. It had no taste and it just seemed to be mashed up detritus.

I can honestly say that in my 53 years, I have never felt that bad! I’ve had full blown flu and pneumonia and they were a walk in the park compared to this. I don’t wish this on my worse enemy. Well, maybe Ranger Dick, but that’s another story. After a week things finally started to get better. I regained my sense of taste and one by one the other symptoms started to go away. It took probably another week to get back to 100% and I was finally able to emerge from the leper ward that my RV became. I cleaned that sucker from top to bottom. Hope I never go through anything like that again.

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12 thoughts on “I Think The Bugger Got Me!

  1. I had it (confirmed) in December. Sounded easier than yours. I love the detail about your body temp. I am exactly the same. Normal is low 96, so my 102 was very abnormal for me (had that for 5 days). I was back to work 10 days after my positive test. And no lingering issues. So, sorry Boo. Hope all remains well – Carolina

    1. It’s hard to explain that low temp to people sometime. You say you aren’t feeling good and you take your temp and it is 99 and they say oh that’s not that bad. Well it’s a little worse for people that start off with a lower normal. I’m glad you were able to beat it and good to hear from you Carolina.

  2. Well, I TOLD you to stay safe! What did you think I was talking about???
    Sadly, my Ken got it after 10 days IN the hospital, and then they isolated him, already pretty far gone with dementia and didn’t listen to a word I said about how he sounded, as if I didn’t know him better after 50 years of marriage than they did. So 18 days later he passed and his death certificate lists 3 things before Covid – none of which he had BEFORE going into the hospital for a bed sore. I seriously want to punch somebody. But I’m glad that you made a full recovery and hope that nobody else in your family was exposed.
    And thank you for that very nice note you sent me, along with Kristine (Adulting).

    1. Well, I guess I didn’t listen very well. I thought I was being careful but I must have slacked off somewhere. I really hate you had to go through that and with medical people that really don’t care. I’ve been through enough of that to know how some of it is but nothing like that. Hope all is going well with you.

      1. Thank you so much! It’s almost 4 months now and I still can’t quite shake the anger I feel at the hospital staff. I know this has been overpowering for hospitals all over the world, but I still see news stories about caring staff and how they helped the patient and the family. Where was all that consideration when I was begging for them to listen to me? Well, I’ve got to find a way to put this behind me and lose some of the vitriol. Congrats on getting the shots – got mine in March.

    2. OH, Barbara! I’ve kind of been out of the loop of things and am trying to catch up! My heart goes out to you, my friend! I can’t even imagine. Much love to you. Mona
      M.L. James recently posted…JostledMy Profile

  3. Yikes. Very glad it didn’t progress further and you came out the other side unharmed. Our neighbor’s brother had it last April and still hasn’t fully recovered. Thankfully my husband got both vaccine shots and I’m hoping to get mine next month. You take care!

  4. There were times when I didn’t think I was coming out the other side. Worse I have ever felt in my life! I’m trying to get my vaccine, but our lifestyle is making it tough to be around for the second shot. I’m hoping I can get one of those one dose deals when they become more available. You stay safe!

  5. Oh man, so glad you’re doing better! Sounds like you made all the right choices given the circs you were faced with – it’s nothing to mess with, or minimize. Take care!

    1. Sorry for just responding. I was out on the trail all weekend. Thanks! I certainly didn’t want to put anyone else in harms way if I could help it. Hope you and your pups are doing well.

  6. Goodness! I’ve had a few friends catch it and say they felt like it was “a bad cold,” but nobody I know (well, one, now that I think about it) had it like you did. Glad that’s behind us now, brother!

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